We're Trying Out a New Skincare Product!

olay regenerist

This post is in partnership with Olay. All opinions are our own.

2019 has really been the year of our glow up. We started being more responsible with money, we limited going out to eat to only once (ish) a week, we consume way less alcohol, and we both go to fitness classes literally almost every day. It’s really just the first year that we’re, like, actively planning for the future and what we * want our lives to look like. * Wild concept, huh?

Part of that planning has been trying to figure out what skincare products will do the best job to protect our skin from damage and signs of aging. That’s like a thing, you know, preventative skin care? I recommend you start! Olay reached out to let us know about their Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream and their Regenerist Whip Face Moisturizer—both contain Vitamin B3, which helps regenerate surface cells, and Amino Peptide Complex II, which helps improve elasticity and firmness. 

olay regenerist
olay regenerist

We’ve only been using them for the last week, but we’ve had a few early positive experiences. They both leave your face feeling so soft like right after putting it on. I’m personally all about immediate results because I have zero patience (a separate problem that we can discuss later, okay). They both feel great, but the Whip is particularly light and airy and formulated for oily or combination skin. I’ve had some moisturizers that can kinda linger and feel…greasy (I know that sounds gross but it’s a thing)…but this one goes on and takes effect immediately while feeling great.

Matt complains about the fine lines on his forehead—which I just think are a product of him scrunching his face in awe of how adorable I am—so he’s been using the Micro-Sculpting Cream, which is formulated for normal to dry skin and is supposed to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles starting on day one! Immediate results. Again, I love it. All in all, we’re really happy with both products and can recommend them for anyone looking to keep their skin looking young and fresh, or to help fight fine lines and wrinkles!

Check out the entire Olay Red Jar line and let us know if you find your new favorite product. Thanks for stopping by the blog :)

xoxo Beau

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