Make This: Last Minute Thanksgiving Dishes!!

Hi hello it’s the Monday before Thanksgiving and even though we’ve already had two friendsgivings and have been generally stuffing our faces more than usual, we’re excited for yet another day to eat all the best foods! If you’ve been following along the blog enough you probably know we think the root of Thanksgiving is shitty colonizer bull crap BUT, it is a good excuse to see friends and family that are all off work and ready to hangout and drink all the wine together and remember that the settlers were genocidal terrorists.

If you still haven’t figured out what you’re going to bring to this year’s gathering, you’re probably not alone but you better figure it the fuck out because hello it’s time to eat in like a few days! Of course you’ll want to see what everyone else is bringing so you can plan around it—I’m a big fan of the spread sheet system where everyone just writes their names and what they’re bringing. Yes organization! OK, here are some recipes we’ve either come up with ourselves, or are loving from other folks on the internet! Enjoy, and as always if you make anything tag us on Instagram @probablythis so we see it :)

Green Bean Casserole from Probably This

Fresh green beans, homemade crispy onions, and a cream of mushroom made from scratch—this is the ultimate green bean casserole. As involved as it sounds, it’s only a couple of hours of work and the result is absolutely worth every second.

Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie from A Cozy Kitchen

This recipe from Adrianna is an absolute stunner. I’ve always loved pecan pie but found it just a bit too sweet, and the dark chocolate really helps balance that out while adding a new dimension of flavor so it’s less of a one note wonder. Uh-may-zing.

Roasted Pumpkin Loaves with Salty Spiced Breadcrumbs from Ben Mims

We had this over the weekend at a friendsgiving and it was an absolute stunner—one of the tastiest pumpkin treats I’ve ever had! We haven’t made it ourselves but our friend who made it said the recipe was great and he’s made it three times! Also Ben is a magical magical man so you should make all of his recipes OK.

Photo via The LA Times

Photo via The LA Times

Pumpkin Spice Bourbon Milk Punch from Probably This

Embrace being basic and get your family drunk all in one go with this deliciously boozy cocktail recipe! It’s easy to batch, so get your pitcher ready and don’t get grandma too drunk unless she specifically states that that is what she wants.

Peanut Butter Cake from Hummingbird High

Even though this isn’t technically a traditional holiday treat, the brown sugar notes and deliciously heavy peanut butter flavor make it perfect for an occasion where you’re gonna really throw down at the dinner table. It’s also nice to have an option for folks who want a break from the steady stream of pumpkin/sweet potato/pecan goodies.

Turkey & Andouille Gumbo from Probably This

While this is traditionally, for us, and after Thanksgiving meal, it would be a great addition to a Thanksgiving day spread if you have any leftover turkey meat from friendsgiving events! It’s one of our absolute favorite dishes in the world, and if you’re a Louisiana bb who is celebrating out of town—take it as an opportunity to show your true Louisiana self and share some gumbo with your friends.

Salty Honey Pie from Four & Twenty Blackbirds

File this under: interesting. It’s a fantastic pie for honey lovers out there, but it’s totally off the wall. We made this a few years back and absolutely loved it!

Avocado Kale Salad from Probably This

You might be thinking “wow I hate you I’m not bringing a kale salad to Thanksgiving.” And look I totally understand, I hate me too. But tbh, at any holiday meal I’m always thankful for that one veggie dish that’s not too heavy and helps kinda cleanse the palate. This recipe is perfect for that and so so good!

Those are just a few ideas to get you started! Good luck this Thanksgiving and happy cooking/baking/eating to you :)

xoxo Beau