Saving for Our Tennessee Home with Capital One

This post is sponsored by Capital One, as always all opinions are our own.

If you saw our first blog post about the Tennessee home, you know that buying a home away from our hometown of New Orleans has been in the works for a while. With the help of Capital One, we were able to prioritize our savings to bring this dream to life! But at the beginning of this journey, there were so many questions surrounding such a big decision that were all very overwhelming.

Like. VERY overwhelming.

Would we want to move somewhere else full-time? What would our moms say?! Where even would we want to live if not in New Orleans? How do we make it happen? When would we make this happen?

Why can’t we have all the answers right the heck now hellooooo???

And as great as that would’ve been to have all the answers right then and there, we knew they would reveal themselves only after we committed to working towards our goal. So, we took a tangible, actionable first step and set up a Capital One 360 Performance Savings joint account for this new adventure. Like so many of our biggest ambitions in life – writing our book or taking on a large renovation project or buying a second home – it started with the first step of opening a savings account and we knew we were going to be in good hands with Capital One.

It’s what we’ve done for pretty much every big purchase we’ve made in the last several years, from homes to vacations. And we’ve been able to easily save for these different things all at once because with Capital One, we’re able to have multiple Performance Savings Accounts that allow us to save for each specific goal. The simple act of being able to put money into a dedicated account – at our own pace, however slowly that may have been – that accrued interest was a surefire way to get us to stick to our goals and be conscious of where our income was going.

So, as it turns out, we started our savings account long before we purchased this house, and it helped us work towards purchasing it when the time was right. And as always, the answers to all our big questions revealed themselves in time. 

We’re sooooo happy we started saving with Capital One way back when and now get to enjoy this new place. We’d highly (highly!) encourage you to take that first step of saving towards your dream, big or small, with a Capital One 360 Performance Savings Account!

As always, thank you for stopping by the blog :)
