Satsuma Soak Cake

Y’all. Satsumas are in season and they are delicious and if you don’t know what they are read this and also I’m sorry for you.  The 411 is that they’re basically a small, easy-to-peel, super sweet, unnervingly juicy and addictive orange.  I feel like everyone in south Louisiana (besides me because whatever) has a memory of sitting under a grandmother or aunt’s satsuma tree in some picturesque southern backyard picking satsumas straight off the tree and laughing with their play friends as the juice dribbled down their chins and into their laps. Or something like that. 

Anyway, the above scene isn’t nearly as cute when I do it as a grown adult male so I’m over it and instead went to a supermarket (Whole Foods, because the farmers market is on Saturday morning and sometimes I do things on Friday night and can’t make it OK get off my case) and bought a 5 lb box for like $6, which it turns out is the perfect amount to make a bundt cake that needs to literally soak in the blood of these beauties.  If you aren’t able to locate...

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